Plant Protection

The activities of the research area Plant Protection are aimed at developing and testing practical strategies for the regulation of pests, which on the one hand are suitable for safeguarding the crops, but on the other hand also meet the requirements of user, consumer and environmental protection. In essence, research and trials concern the following main areas of work:

  • Testing of plant protection products regarding their efficacy and potential side effects
  • Optimisation of approved plant protection products through smart and customised application
  • Development and testing of biological and biotechnological as well as other alternative measures for the control and regulation of harmful organisms
  • Studies on the impact of plant protection on agroecosystems and the environment
  • Sustainable management strategies to maintain and strengthen farms and biodiversity



The working group Testing Plant Protection Products examines the properties of authorized plant protection agents and those under development focusing on their effect on target organisms, but also on side effects on the crops and the environment. The results form the basis for the implementation of integrated plant protection strategies and the recommendations in local advisory services.

Areas of activity:

  • Testing of new plant protection products for use in fruit growing, viticulture, stone and soft fruit growing.
  • Examination of the side effects of active substances on crop plants and beneficial organisms.
  • Investigations on the application technique at the best time and the best technique
  • Development of anti-resistance strategies for PPPs
  • Studies on the optimal use of plant protection products in integrated cultivation




Testing Plant Protection Products in Fruit Growing


Testing Plant Protection Products in Viticulture & for Berries and Stonefruit


The objective of the working group Biological Plant Protection Methods is the development and testing of biological and biotechnical methods for the regulation and control of harmful organisms.

Areas of activity:

  • Behavioural and efficacy trials with natural products on pests and beneficial organisms to assess their bioactivity in the laboratory
  • Field trials with chemical messengers such as pheromones and kairomones for their use in monitoring and/or mass trapping of target insects
  • Evaluation of the efficacy of entomopathogenic microorganisms against pests
  • Evaluation of the pest control potential of new methods combining chemical messengers and appropriate insecticidal methods
  • Use of specific beneficial insects to promote biological control of invasive insect species


